Thursday, March 28, 2024

Good Friday

It is tempting to hide in the crowd in our attempt to be in the world but not of it. But I don't want to be quiet at the cross and find courage at the empty tomb. I want to be all in from darkness to light.

Those who wept as he took his last breath were there to rejoice when he took his first steps towards the right hand of the Father. It will cost you everything

Time, Talent & Treasure

 Read Mt 22:15-22; Mk 12:13-17; Lk 20:20-26

 In these passages we see that Jesus gives place for human government and honor to God. We are reminded that it is God who claims us, who made us in his own image. I believe there are three specific ways we can give Honor to God: our time, our talent and our treasure. 

Time: Are we using our time to grow in intimacy with God and in love for neighbor - even when its's inconvenient? 

Talent: Are we using our gifts and talents to serve those in our home, city, workplace and church - even when it's inconvenient?

Treasure: Are we giving our treasures, our money to serve the poor, the marginalized and the forgotten - even when we want to keep it for ourselves? 

Pray: Jesus, you are not asking me to do anything that you have not already done. Thank you for making your way to the cross to offer your body as a living sacrifice. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

A Steward

 Read Mt 21:28-22:14

We have been told that we live in an "ownership society" and are reminded again and again that we "only live once" and so we should "look out for number one." And when someone, first century rabbi or twenty-first century friend, reminds us that we are called not to be owners but stewards, not to hoard but to share, not to live primarily for gain but for love, we may, just like the folks in today's passage, feel rather offended.

How are you stewarding what God has given you? Are you using your resources to unleash the love of Jesus to help those in need? The shift from ownership to stewardship is not easy but is a hallmark of following Jesus. 

Prayer: Jesus, give me the courage to love others sacrificially by being a good steward. 


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

By Whose Authority

 Read Mt 21:23-27

Jesus is making his way to the cross. 

Today, we will sit at the feet of Jesus and marvel at the way He handled the aggressive questioning of the religious elite. "By whose authority do you do these things?" ...a little bit about "authority" at the time of Jesus... It was universally accepted among Rabbis at the time that authoritative teaching required previous authorization. Everyone was wondering who authorized Jesus to teach. He knew the intentions of these Jewish leaders. And he was refusing to play their game.

Here we see a great example of the wisdom of Jesus. We are no longer given "veto power" over the things He teaches. What He says is what is true. What he requires is what we must do. Where he leads is where we are to follow!

Pray: Help me to obey you! You are the authority in my life.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Overturning Tables

 Read Mt 21:12-13

I love the Jesus who welcomes children but the Jesus who overturns tables can make us uncomfortable at times. Why? He's confronting sin. And, it's uncomfortable when Jesus calls out our sin. Here we see Jesus confronting oppression, the love of money and fruitless rituals. 

And now, Jesus turns and looks at us, His current temples that house his Spirit. And, what does He see? Is the room that used to occupy prayer now filled with technology and busyness? Is His Word covered up with your own plans instead of God's plans?

Pray: Jesus, please overturn the tables in my life that are not honoring and glorifying you. Help me make prayer and worship a priority!

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday

 Read Mt 21:1-17

 Today we read about an entrance that far exceeds the entrance of a president, a coach, an athlete or a movie star.

Against the backdrop of the suffering that is to come, we see the entrance of the King of kings and the Lord of lords as He moves toward the cross. Jesus Christ enters Jerusalem in order to die. The crowd is welcoming, and shouts of Hosanna ring much kinder than the shouts of Crucify Him that would come later. 

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for coming to save us from our sin! Thank you for bringing light to darkness, peace to violence and life to death. Your faithfulness amazes me!

Saturday, March 23, 2024


Northeast has partnered with Neverthirst since 2018 via Love the 'Ville Outreach! 

Neverthirst is drilling wells in the Borena Zone/Oromia Region of Ethiopia.

Neverthirst connects the well to a local church. 
Many people who were once closed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ are now Christians.
Pastor Gordana was simply amazing. 

Visited a nice restaurant on our way to the Borena zone. 

I really enjoyed our car rides.  The Pastor is at the top left in this picture. 
We talked about miracles, prayer and greater things.

This is the water point before the well. Women and girls would walk miles for dirty water that caused disease and death. Because the girls had to often walk all day to get water, they weren't able to attend school. Women often experienced miscarriages because of the long walks.

With Neverthirst, clean water is now available within a 30 minute walk round trip. Now, there is no longer disease and death and girls are able to attend school.

One of the churches we visited. 

Good Friday