Sunday, July 13, 2014

Your Prayers Have Saved Us

La Carpio is a dear place to my heart.  It was the first place I visited when I began my journey to Costa Rica in 2007.  I have watched many of the kids grow and develop into young men and women. I can't express my sincere gratitude to Missionary Steve Edwards who makes our time in La Carpio possible.

This was an amazing year. We had the blessing of working in the community with the children and with the new Skate Church in La Carpio.  Even though La Carpio is considered one of the most dangerous barrios in Costa Rica, I have seen transformation. The community is beginning to come alive through a local non-profit who is offering educational experiences as well as hosting a music school on Saturday mornings.

In addition to this local non-profit, Lalo has begun Skate Church Costa Rica in La Carpio.  Over 30 teenagers gathered for the first time while we were there to skate and hear a message from God's word. We had the privilege of handing out Skate Church t-shirts and sharing God's love and encouragement with them.

I'm still gathering all of my thoughts and feelings but there is one statement I can't get out of my mind. As we were leaving La Carpio, one of the teenagers told our group - "Your prayers have saved us."  He was referring to the many times he had been saved from gunfire. Just after he told us that our prayers had saved him, another youth said "I can't pray with your group because God can't save me from this place."   May we continue to sacrificially serve so that this young man's desperation can be turned into hope.

Each time we go to La Carpio, we bring the hope of Christ - we bring encouragement to stay in school - we bring encouragement to stay away from drugs - we bring the unconditional love of Jesus Christ.

May our prayers continue to save those in La Carpio!  This is Lapiz - "Your prayers have saved us!"

Please Don't Forget Us

The VBS Carnival had just ended.  Kids were smiling and laughing. The children had made necklaces and "masks." Boys had played soccer. Moms and grandparents had played Bingo.  Children had discussed how Jesus Christ helps them be a "survivor."  The Pinatas had fallen and children had bags of candy.  New friendships rooted in Christ had been born. Before you knew it, it was time to go. Goodbyes are hard.  It took me 30 minutes to get us all in the van but once we were in - we began waving bye.  Victoria, Argentina, Yoanci, Ernesto (to name just a few) stood at the doors of Iglesia Cristiana waving at us with big tears in their eyes.  As we drove away with tears in our eyes - Argentina's words kept ringing in my ears..."Tomara, please don't forget us."  I can barely type now without shedding tears.

This was my 8th journey to Costa Rica.  It never gets old and God always speaks in fresh ways.  The words that are now ringing in my ear is "compassion permanence."  Compassion permanence is the ability to stay focused on the specific needs of others to work until we make a difference.  Compassion permanence can involve acts of mercy, verbal outreach to people suffering from hopelessness, financial response to crises or diligent prayer.  It means long term relationships and cooperative efforts toward long term solutions. Compassion permanence is love demonstrated over the long term to our global family of faith.

Please, don't forget us!

May God continue to give me big dreams for Costa Rica!

For those of you that prayed for us while we were on this trip - thank you! For those of you who handed me a check before we left to bless those in Costa Rica - thank you!

This is Ernesto...our brother in hard for his family and loves Jesus!  He stood in the kitchen outside of the church and told our team that he loved us and was so thankful that we returned each year.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Gracias a Dios!

My prayer this morning...

Creator God, we have glimpsed your beauty in the setting sun, in the mountain tops, in the faces of children, in the embrace of the poor, in the faith of missionaries, in the smiles of new friends and in the clouds that bring rain for refreshment.

Gracias a Dios!

Almighty Creator, we have sensed your power in the voices of those who advocate for the vulnerable.  We have seen your strength in one another and in young boys and girls who are called upon to care for their families.

Gracias a Dios!

Jesus, we see your love stretched out among nations.  We stand in awe of your sacrifice so that we can have eternal life and participate in your work around the world.

Gracias a Dios!

Holy Spirit, we have seen your power in lives transformed and hearts on fire.  We will continue to listen for your still, small voice - comforting, guiding and calling.

Gracias a Dios!

Good Friday