Monday, October 27, 2014

Generosity Is A Paradox

I am absolutely thrilled and grateful that Middletown Christian Church has given over $40,000 to help complete phase 2 of El Camino Bi-lingual School- a ministry of the mission hospital Loma de Luz.  I have witnessed firsthand that many at Middletown are embracing a lifestyle of generosity!

Generosity is a paradox, in that we gain by giving! But paradox is a common feature of our faith:  Jesus gave his life that we might gain life forever; a person who saves his life will lose it, while someone who loses his life for Christ's sake will find it; and the first will be last, but the last will be first.  So it's no surprise that the paradox holds for Middletown's spirit of generosity.

I believe that Christ followers who are pursuing generous lives (with time and money) provide the clearest picture of God to others.  The church is God's plan to carry forward the gospel until Christ returns and makes all things new.

Whether it is giving sacrificially to fund a Christian Bi-lingual school in one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere or making a huge pot of Chili to hand out to the homeless in downtown Louisville, we must seize the opportunity to share our faith & resources with others.

The book Contagious Generosity reminds us that our willingness to share our resources with others without restraint speaks volumes about the extent to which we've been embraced and been changed by the gospel.

Good Friday