Each time we serve others, we meet Jesus; and when you have an encounter with Jesus, your life changes!
While I deeply missed seeing my dear brothers and sisters in Christ this summer in Costa Rica, my soul is deeply grateful for the life-changing work that has been accomplished through Mission DC, Mission Detroit and Honduras/Loma De Luz. I am already anticipating how God will continue to cultivate the seeds planted in many hearts, including those who ventured on these trips with Middletown Christian Church.
While on these trips, I saw students and adults cross boundaries (step out of their comfort zone) to share life together and to share the good news of Jesus Christ. I witnessed students and adults serving with great love. I witnessed the faith and sacrifice of people who are living out Matthew 6:33 - Seeking first the Kingdom of God! Missionaries like Carl at Rippling Hope & Iain/Liz McKenzie at Sanctuary House and Dr. McKenney/Rosanne at Hospital Loma De Luz taught me once again what it means to LIVE BY FAITH!
One of the greatest joys of leading mission trips is that I get to spend an entire week with students/adults living life and putting the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) into practice! I am deeply grateful!
I'm thankful that those at Middletown continue to say 'YES' and 'GO.' When our churches become spiritual spas in which we retreat from the world, our salt loses its saltiness, and we are no longer able to impact the culture! (The Hole in our Gospel) My prayer is that each person who ventures on an overnight mission trip will live their lives differently once they return home. And, they will live it in such a way that has an impact on culture that ultimately glorifies God in all things!
Highlights from Mission DC:
- Joining our Middle School Students/Adults as they served diligently to clean up/paint at Craig Springs Camp (Disciples of Christ Camp)
- Joining students/adults in packing 12,000 pounds of food at the Capital Area Food Bank
- Learning about Gleaning and serving alongside students/adults as we "gleaned" through potatoes and lettuce for those who were hungry and homeless
- Providing assistance at City Blossoms in downtown DC
- Witnessing the flexibility of our group! Move the rocks, move the rocks again and move the rocks again!
- 4 Square!
- Super Ninja Time!
- Small Group Time/Prayer/Teenagers praying out loud for the first time!
Highlights from Mission Detroit
- Joining our students/adults as they were Ripples of Hope in inner City Detroit
- Can I say painting, painting, painting and more painting?
- Real Conversations that involved tears and hugs
- Neighborhood kids waiting for us at the church after a long day's work
- Small Group Time/Prayer/New Songs to Sing
- Carl! Yes, Carl!
- Boarding up Houses! Clearing Lots! Using Power Tools!
- Motown and the Detroit Tigers!
Highlights from Honduras
- Just say "Yes" to God! TESTIFY!
- Witnessing the faith, perseverance and faithfulness of the missionaries at Loma De Luz
- Debrief at Rosie and Prayer Time on the Beach
- Tears, Reunions, Friendships and awkward hugs
- God's Beautiful Creation - Water, Earth and Sky
- Doctors in Denim/Doctor's Parking
- Kristen being stressed over the plants, tumulos, Jill's awesome playlist of muic
- Matt's excellent Spanish Speaking Skills
- Ocean time with Marvin and the children from the Children's Center
- Roseanne's great meal and the giant bug that flew into Jill's lap! Dr McKenney's Stories!
- Wally and Bill's Driving Skills, Raccoons, Pastalitos, Kids jumping out of trees
- The Impact being made at the Hospital, Children's Center and Bi-lingual School
and many more!