Martin Luther advised regular mediations on the Ten Commandments. Google "the Ten Commandments" if you have forgotten them or find your Bible and read Exodus 20. Luther's method of meditation included thinking out the way in which you have been violating each commandment in deed and attitude of the heart. Then, consider the free grace of Jesus. (Prayer by Timothy Keller)
Another guide, other than the Ten Commandments, for self-examination could be the fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-24. This requires that one studies and understands what each of the spiritual fruits are, whether love, joy, patience, humility, self-control or some other. Then, one examines what each fruit looks like in his or her own life and also what its absence of looks like.
Examining the Sabbath, a commandment, may look like this...
Sabbath. Examination. Have I ordered my life in such a way that I no longer have time to rest in God's love and grace? Is my health declining because I am not resting? Am I so busy that I can't find time to honor God on the Sabbath? Have I been "on the go" with my family and kids that I am no longer productive or finding joy in the everyday? Consider the free grace of Jesus - find joy and balance in my life. Consider the free grace of Jesus - commit to honor God on the Sabbath and find rest in him. I reflect upon the free grace as I think of how to reorder my life so that I preserve time for God.
Examining love, a fruit of the spirit, may look like this...
Love. Examination. Have I spoken or thought unkindly of anyone? Am I justifying myself by caricaturing someone else in my mind? Have I been impatient and irritable? Have I been self-absorbed, indifferent, and inattentive to people? Consider the free grace of Jesus - think of the sacrificial love of Christ for me. Consider the free grace of Jesus - think of his patience with me. I reflect upon the free grace as I think of how to love as God first loved me.
Would you like to give this type of spiritual examination a try during 2017? Examining your life is essential to your growth. But, be careful not to let the self-examination pull you down into self-condemnation and despair. We all need God's love. No one is perfect. His grace is enough.
God's Best to you in 2017