Tuesday, November 19, 2013

You Give Them Something to Eat

Reflections on The Feeding of the 5000 - Mark 6

You Give Them Something to Eat...
What are we giving our family and our neighbors to eat?  Are we offering only physical food or are we offering spiritual food as well?

Jesus' authority came from authenticity...
Jesus was who he said he was.  As Christians - we must be believed to be heard.  We must walk the talk.

Compassion is more than relief...
Relief is just the beginning of compassion.  But, as Christ followers - we are called to do more than just provide relief.  We must walk alongside of those who live in poverty (physical and spiritual) to help them change their circumstance.

Compassion is entirely unreasonable...
Why didn't Jesus just make all of the food appear?  He wanted the disciples to see that we offer what we have and it is Christ who multiplies it. Why are we afraid to simply offer what we have?

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