Sunday, January 11, 2015

For these reasons, I praise you!

Today as we experienced our second week of the "Satisfied" series at church, I was encouraged by our Senior Minister to make a list of the things for which I am thankful.  This list could be hundreds of pages but I sat down and wrote the first 20 things that came to mind...

I am thankful for...

1.  Wally Brown (husband) who loves me unconditionally, who kisses me every morning before he leaves for work and who works hard to support me, Elliott and Max!

2.  Dianne Hurt (mom) for teaching me how to pray, for letting me follow God as a young person to places like Russia and for always encouraging me to follow God and to keep him at the center of my life and for finding a way to make sure I went to college!  

3.  My step-dad for treating me like his own child and for taking care of my mom.

4.  My dad - God’s faithfulness to me in the death of my father, Roy Fox. (James 1, Philippians 1:6) 

5.  Education and Teachers!  I will always remember my 3rd and 4th grade teachers who helped me through my dad's illness and death. This is a pic (with my brother) from my graduation from the University of Kentucky!

6.  J.W. Orange and Millie Orange (grand-parents) for teaching me a strong work ethic (on the farm) and that God and family are the most important things in life, for the home-made biscuits, for the canned green beans and for the front porch swing conversations.  

7.  Ruth Edna Fox (grand-mother) for teaching me to love people no matter the color of their skin and for her $10 dollar bills at Christmas, her popcorn balls at Halloween and her homemade quilts that I will cherish forever.

8.  In-Laws for supporting and loving our family in many ways. And, they keep our dog Remi for us! 

9.  Having the opportunity to be a MOM!  I love it!  Elliott Brown - who keeps things real and who takes school seriously and loves serving at church and in his community. Max Brown who inspires me with his prayers every night and who inspires me with his great work ethic and sportsmanship!

10.  The Churches that have played a huge part in my faith journey....Childhood Church, Concord Missionary Baptist Church, for teaching me about Jesus.  The first Church I served while working full time for Lexmark International, Inc. - David’s Fork Baptist Church and Bro. Mack Craddock for allowing me to serve as Youth Minister. Broadway Baptist Church & Dr. Chris Caldwell for encouraging me to be ordained & then ordaining me. St Matthews Baptist Church and Dr. Les Hollon for giving me my first opportunities to preach. Middletown Christian Church for encouraging me in my leadership.

11.  Childhood friendships that continue to be in existence.  I so enjoyed staying with a childhood friend, Tracey Lee Fletcher, while attending the Final Four in Texas to watch the University of Kentucky Wildcats.

12.  The Bible study, Experiencing God, because it truly changed the way I live out my faith in Jesus Christ.

13.  Friendships, Friendships, Friendships....with colleagues, with church family, with teenagers whom I have had the privilege of leading, with family, with friends from High school, with college friends, with Costa Rica Friends, with Honduras Friends...

14.  Experiencing and Learning on Mission Trips...Myrtle Beach, Daytona Beach, Hells Kitchen (NYC), Camden  New Jersey (Urban Promise), Gulf Coast (Katrina Relief), Mission Arlington, Hopi Reservation, Navajo Reservation, Appalachia, Sunset Gap, St. Louis, Costa Rica, Honduras, Russia, San Antonio

15.  Basic Needs such as food, clothing, shelter and warmth in the cold

16.  Technology - We are able to stay in touch with family and friends from around the world

17.  Javanon and Coach Thuto - Max loves soccer!

18.  Dave Seely, Michael Swartzentruber, Miriam Georg and Tammy Bradley  - for the ways they love and teach Elliott and Max

19.  Opportunity to be a Mom Taxi - My car that gets us around to where we need to go :)

20.  Vacations that have allowed our family the space to have fun together and grow in love together!

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