Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Book of Common Prayer

Beginning August 1 of this year, I committed to engage daily The Book of Common prayer. This has been a rich experience!

The Book of Common Prayer is a prayer book that allows readers to greet each day together, remembering significant dates and Christian heroes in church history, as well as important historic dates in the struggle for freedom and justice! There are daily prayers, songs and scripture readings that help us see ourselves as part of a holy people being "set apart" from the world around us to bear witness that a new world is possible!

Today's prayer: Steadfast God, perhaps one of the greatest mysteries is why you continue to entrust the work of your kingdom into our clumsy hands. But we are forever grateful that you do not want to change the world without us.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Takeaways from #GLS16

Global Leadership Summit 2016  Highlights


Passion is like PROTEIN for the team! It energizes and sustains! - Hybels

Whose job is it to fill your passion bucket? It is your job! Figure out the things that fill up your passion bucket and do them. The top three ways I fill my passion bucket: 1.  Go to places that stir my soul (The outdoors, Costa Rica, Loma de Luz, working with the underserved and under resourced.) 2.  Mentoring 3.  Reading


What is your legacy? Make sure it is one that honors God and one your children will be proud of! Don't ride the leadership drug to make you feel better about your legacy.  - Hybels

Great Quotes

We do not find love in achievement. - Sheila Niequist

Be present over perfect.  - Sheila Niequist

It's probably not burn-out; it's not being challenged! - Bishop Jakes

Don't go to your phone first thing in the morning - Go to God! - Melinda Gates

Don't let earthly practicalities cause you to lose sight of heavenly possibilities. - Jossy Chacko

Trust what God has put inside you! - Jossy Chacko

Faithfulness is multiplying what you have been given! - Jossy Chacko

Execution doesn't like complexity. - Chris McChesney

Add value to people's lives! - John Maxwell

Start connecting with people instead of correcting them! - John Maxwell

Keep a compelling scoreboard - people play differently when they are keeping score! It helps them see they are winning! - Chris McChesney

The ideal team player is smart, hungry and humble! - Patrick Lencionim

If You have a dream that you can accomplish on your own then your dream is too small! - Bishop Jakes

We must cultivate the discipline of self reflection! - Hybels

Monday, August 1, 2016

Critic or Coach

My last sermon preached at Middletown Christian Church as Associate Minister. Here are some highlights...

Critic or Coach; the last message in a sermon series called "You Asked For It"

Our churches need more coaches and less critics!

A critic is an energy vampire - someone who can just suck the life right out of you.  He's one who likes to give unwanted opinions and desires to get involved in every little detail so that he can offer all of the worse possible outcomes of any situation.  A critic wants to limit potential!

A coach on the other hand is an encourager and an instructor.  John Wooden, UCLA Legendary Basketball Coach, says that a good coach is someone who can give correction without resentment.  A coach on the other hand wants to help you be the best version of yourself and live up to your potential.

One of the best coaches I see in scripture is a guy by the name of Barnabas (Joseph).  His nickname was "Son of Encouragement."  Barnabas played a major role in the early church. His ministry was one that gave birth to others! I believe he was instrumental in helping the Apostle Paul establish his ministry as he accompanied Paul on his first missionary journey. Acts 11 says that Barnabas was a "good man" and full of the Holy Spirit!

I believe that in order to be a great coach - you have to be a great encourager.  Encouragement is not flattery and it is not spouting off motivational quotes. Encouragement means to come alongside.  It is close and intimate. It is not distant.  Encouragement is simply to "put courage in."  It means to be close to someone in their suffering, in their struggles, in their hardships and in their joys. Encouragement in the Biblical sense always points people to God - to his faithfulness - to his goodness - to his loving kindness.

Here are 4 practical ways you can be a good coach/encourager in your homes, your churches and your circles of influence:
1.  Allow people the space to grow!
2.  Affirm the capabilities you see in other people.
3.  Point people toward the "opportunity."
4.  Speak prophetically to one another. (Let people know how God is speaking to you.)
5.  Be committed.

Remember that being Christians doesn't mean "Me and Jesus" - it means "We and Jesus."

Good Friday