Monday, February 29, 2016

God's Kindness

Lenten Reflection

S. Scripture - Romans 2:4 - Do you not realize that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?

O. Observation - What is repentance?  It's a change in intention, attitude and behavior.  It's not saying "I'm Sorry" and continuing the behavior.  It is a change!  Many Christians have grown up in homes/churches where they were taught that they would go to hell if they didn't repent of their sins.  In this case,  I believe people often repented out of fear of going to "hell" instead of a genuine change of intention, attitude and behavior.  I love Romans 2:4 because it tells us that God's loving kindness (not the threat of hell) leads us to repentance - a change in intention, attitude and behavior.

A. Application - In my relationships with my family and friends, I must remember that loving kindness is what leads to repentance and not fear.  We must take time (in loving kindness) to explain the incredible benefits of what a change in intention, attitude and behavior will produce.  Now, of course I realize this may not work all of the time. And, I'm not a therapist.  However,  I do know from my own personal experience - that lovingkindness and not fear leads to repentance! 

K. Kneel - Thank you, God, for your lovingkindness that leads to repentance!  

Friday, February 26, 2016

Words and Ways!

Lenten Reflection 

Scripture:  Revelation 3 - Up on your feet! Take a deep breath! Maybe there’s life in you yet. But I wouldn’t know it by looking at your busywork; nothing of God’swork has been completed. Your condition is desperate. Think of the gift you once had in your hands, the Message you heard with your ears—grasp it again and turn back to God. -Message

Observation:  We must remember that this letter is addressed to a church.  So, when it comes to church - what is the difference between busywork and God's work? This is a question we church folk must consider.  The short answer to this very important question is that we must make disciples - the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). Making disciples is not busy work - it's God's work! Applied to Jesus - a disciple is someone who learns from him to live like him - someone who, because of God's grace, conforms her words and ways to the words and ways of Jesus. 

What does a disciple of Jesus mean for you? For me, it means...
...Disciple means Worshiper
...Disciple means Servant
...Disciple means Witness

Application:  As a minister, I must strive to ensure that all I do in the name of Christ points people to conform his/her words/ways to the words/ways of Jesus!

Kneel:  God-give me the wisdom on how to make disciples! Amen!

What does it mean to be Rich?


Scripture:  I know your affliction and your poverty, even though you are rich. - Revelation 2:8-9

Observation:  Poverty can be seen in two ways - Spiritual Poverty and Material Poverty.  The letters to the churches in Revelation are very important for the church to read and study! This letter reminds me that there are different types of poverty. We mostly understand poverty to be material but there is a spiritual poverty that exist in our world.  Those who are materially poor are often Rich because they recognize their deep need for Jesus to supply their needs. Those of us who are middle class and upper class Americans must realize our need for Jesus!

Application: All of us are poor in different ways! We must realize our need for Christ! We must decide what it really means to be rich. 

Kneel: Lord, I need you - every hour I need you! Amen

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tumulos and Washed Out Roads!

Scripture: Luke 12:24 - Make every effort to enter the Narrow Gate!
Observation: : The "gate” represents the beginning, to the “way” that leads to life. Why is it narrow?  Because it is a gate which requires self-denial and obedience. This gate has no room for a consuming desire for earthly goods, an unforgiving spirit, and self-righteousness.
Application:  In thinking about the "narrow road" - I can't help but think of the many roads I have traveled.The narrow road  is a path filled with potholes, tumulos (shout out to my Honduras amigos) twisted turns and jagged curves. It is filled with high mountains, washed out roads (shout out to my Costa Rican and Honduras amigos) and low valleys. Along the narrow way we will encounter ditches and crosses we will have to bear. We will run into hills of difficulties and rivers of humiliation. Every now and then, we will encounter stones of despair and rocks of sorrow. Oh yes, along this narrow path, however, we find life at the waters edge and at the mountains peak. And that life is abundant because we have learned to become RICH IN FAITH as a result of walking the narrow road!
Kneel: God, help me enter the gate that requires me to be outrageously generous with my time and money! I want to be Rich In Faith! Amen

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Stay Alert


Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 -  12. So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! 13 No temptation[c] has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted[d] beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,[e] he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

Observation: This is a word to the Corinthians - Learn from Israel's History! Just when you think you have it all together, you are tempted to bow down to idols, you are tempted to lie, you are tempted to cheat. But when this happens, God will help you. 

Application:  Temptation is common for all of us. We need to stay focused. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us to "Stay Alert" because the devil prowls around us like a roaring lion waiting for someone to devour. The best way for me to stay alert is to stay focused in prayer and on God's Word! Also, I need accountability. I am human. Yes, I'm a minister but I am human. I have to set boundaries to protect myself, my family and my marriage.

Kneel: God, thank you for your faithful help to give us the strength and courage to turn away and resist temptation. Amen!

Monday, February 22, 2016

We Believe

S.O.A.K. - We Believe

Scripture:  Romans 4:3
For what does the scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.”

Observation:  Once you realize that God really does have a plan for you and all you have to do is participate in the plan - you will have found your Turning Point just as Abraham did. The first step is not about doing… it is about believing.

Hope on. Journey on. Honestly acknowledge your questions and your concerns, but first and forever, fan the flame of your faith, because all things are possible to them that believe.

Application: This is a Word you can embrace here and now!  This word is not about you being perfect and making all of the right changes and fixing everything yourself. It is not about you trying to fix things at all. It is you entering into what God is doing for you. This is not about you trying to be right on your own… it is about you believing God's promises. It's about believing who God is!

We Believe by the Newsboys

We believe in God the Father
We believe in Jesus Christ 
We believe in the Holy Spirit 
And He's given us new life
We believe in the crucifixion
We believe that he conquered death 
We believe in the resurrection
And He's coming back again
We Believe! 

Kneel: Gracious God, in our doubt and fear - help us to believe in you and your promises! Amen 

Friday, February 19, 2016

He keeps the light on!

S.O.A.K. (Lenten Reflection - Psalm 27)

Scripture:  The Lord is my light.... (v.1)

Observation: This is a Psalm of confidence.  David doesn't have to question whether the Lord will be his light, his stronghold or whether the Lord will be gracious unto him.  David has confidence in his creator! David has seen God's light shine even in the midst of sin and war.

Application:  We don't have to ask God to be our light - He is our Light!  We need to anticipate the light that will always shine in the darkness!  He keeps the light on!

I think back to those high school days when I had to be home by midnight.  My mom would always keep the light on for me.  That light symbolized her love and care!  God always keeps the light on!

Kneel:  Thank you God for making the narrow paths a little easier to see with the light on.  Thank you for keeping the light on when I'm late and even when I don't show up.  Amen!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Blessing of Knowing!

S.O.A.K (Lenten Reflection)

Scripture:  Philippians 3:12 - Press On!
Derby Mini Marathon 2014

Observation:  Philippians 3:2-12 is one of my favorite passages of scripture!  I could write for days just on this one passage. It is rich with meaning for those of us who strive to live like Christ. What is Paul's goal here?  It is to know Christ!  What would it mean for us in our spiritual life each year to set a goal to know Christ?  Paul simply wants to keep pressing on to know Christ.  He wants to know the power of the resurrection. He wants to know fellowship with Christ through suffering.  Paul knows that the root, the foundation of all that we are in Christ begins by knowing Him. Paul is running the Christian race (1 Corinthians 9:24) and he is determined to press continue the race!  He knows that in order to continue to move forward in the race, he must continue to know Christ more deeply.

Application:  Two years ago, I ran the mini marathon with my friends - KJ Powell and Karen Curnutte.  I remember that first practice run through the Iroquois Park - ouch!  The hills were challenging but I was determined to press on.  I knew I would never possess my 13.1 sticker if I did not keep training!  After completing the race, the greatest blessing was not my 13.1 sticker but the experience I had in getting to know my two friends.  That's the way it is with Christ!  The true blessing of the Christian Life is simply knowing Him.

Kneel:  Give me the strength to Press On when I am weak!  Give me the desire to Press On when all is going well!  Give me the wisdom to Press On when I think that I may have arrived.  Lord, I need you to Press On!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016



Scripture: Luke 22:1-6 The betrayal of Jesus

Observation: Betrayal is probably the most devastating loss a person can experience. To be betrayed, the person must first experience trust in the betrayer.  Jesus trusted. And, Jesus was betrayed. Jesus must have felt a myriad of emotion - anger, fear and distress. 

Application:  Have you ever been betrayed? I don't know if I have and if I have then God has given me the grace to forget it. However, there is one form of betrayal that absolutely breaks my heart and that is infidelity. I just can't imagine how difficult it must be to continue in a relationship that has been violated. Yet, I have seen marriages survive infidelity - I believe only by the grace of God.

I'm thankful for the grace that has restored marriages!

Kneel: Creator God, give me the desire to always remain faithful to my número uno - Wally Brown. Amen!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Show Up


Scripture:  Manifest your faithful love in amazing ways (Psalm 17)

Observation:  Manifest means to ....  display or show by one's acts or appearance! I believe David longed for God's love to be manifested in his life and in his earthly kingdom. David was a man after Gods own heart and despite his sin - he wanted the good work of God displayed in his life as an evidence and qualification for the good will of God towards him. By this he would know the gift of God's incredible grace.

Application: I often wonder why God chose to manifest his amazing love in me. John 15:16 says "You did not choose me but I chose you to go and bear fruit...." Just as God chose David to be King - he has chosen each of us to bear fruit in such a way that His Amazing Love will be displayed through our actions (Matthew 25) and through our appearance to those in need. We need to SHOW UP in the dark places that need light so God can manifest his love through us! We have to Show Up in our families, in our communities, in our circles of influence, in our world.....

Kneel: God, help us to lay aside our desire to be noticed and let you be noticed in us. Manifest your love in us - today and always! Amen.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Just Walk

Scripture:  1 John 2:6 - Whoever says "I abide in him," must walk as he did!
Observation:  How much do you love that Jesus walked?  He didn't rush or run or hurry through this life.  He walked - giving him the ability to notice and act upon promptings from his Father.  What if today we held up a pace of walking when we wanted to rush?  Through that pace of walking and an abiding spirit, we may just be an advocate to someone who needs support today!  We may just do the excellent thing when it would be so much easier not to do it.  We may just lay ourselves, our wants, down for the good of others.  Just walk.  We can practically look more like Jesus today simply by walking and not rushing.
Application:  I need to practice walking instead of rushing!  That's pretty much it!  
Kneel:  God, thank you for this wonderful reminder that it is important for us to walk so that we might notice and be an advocate for someone who needs support now - not later.  Give me a desire to lay down my desires for the good of those in my family, in my community and in my world!  I need your help to just walk!  Amen!

Friday, February 12, 2016

God is My Refuge

S. O. A. K.

Scripture:   “The Lord is my refuge (a place of safety and security)” ...

Observation:  David's life had been protected by Divine grace. And, that divine grace covered him in battle and in sin. It is that Divine Grace that was his refuge!

Application: "In this world you will have trouble." Jesus said it and our life experiences confirm it. It is in that trouble, however, that we experience a refuge when all others fail - a strong refuge which none can break through or into and in which all who dwell will not be overtaken.  Remember that hardship will come but it will not overtake you when you dwell in the Most High! 

Kneel: Almighty God, help us to find refuge in You! You are unchanging! You are faithful! You are strength! You are hope! Grant us the desire to just dwell in your presence for it is in the dwelling that we find refuge! Amen!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Now Come, I Will Send You


Scripture:  33 “Then the Lord said to him, ‘Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground. 34 I have indeed seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard their groaning and have come down to set them free. Now come, I will send you back to Egypt.' (Acts 7)

Observation: God saw the oppression in Egypt and God sees the oppression in our community and world. God is still in the business of setting people free from oppression. There is a resurrection going on when those who are oppressed find freedom! Verse 34 keeps me coming back for a second look. I believe God says to me - I have seen the oppression and I have come down to set the oppressed free. Now come, Tomara - I am sending you to be my agent to set people free.

We as middle class Americans must begin to understand how our neighbors here and around the world are being oppressed. And we must understand that we as Christ followers must realize God has called us to help set people free!

When a child is abused, she is oppressed. When a child is abandoned, he is oppressed. When a girl has to walk 8 miles a day to fetch water (which means she can't attend school), she is oppressed. When an adult is denied opportunities because of race or color, he is oppressed. When a young girl is captured for sex trafficking, she is oppressed. When a child is forced into child slave labor, he is oppressed. When a child is malnourished or hungry, she is oppressed. People are being oppressed in Louisville and in our world and we cannot pretend that it's not going on. Families who suffer in silence due to differing abilities are oppressed.  We cannot say that God is calling someone else! 

Application: How do we really help set people free? First, we can give money to awesome organizations like the International Justice mission who fight to free people from slavery and sex trafficking! Second, we can serve as foster parents to children who need a home. Third, we can support (financially or by serving) Ministries like Hospital Loma de Luz who serve some of the poorest people in the Western Hemisphere. Fourth, we can serve with non-profits in our community like Volunteers of America or Americana as they work to meet the needs of the oppressed in our community. Helping to free people from oppression requires our time and resources. It requires we be in relationship with someone different from us. 

Kneel: God, give us a desire to be your agents in freeing the oppressed. Instill wisdom and courage in our hearts. Help us to open our eyes to see the oppressed and not turn our backs. We need your Spirit to guide us! We need your spirit to help us be Bold!  

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

S. O. A. K. - Ash Wednesday

My commitment during Lent is to read the scripture each day and walk through the S. O. A. K. Guideline! 

Scripture - My sin is ever before me...Psalm 51

Observation - Being a man after God's heart was a struggle for David. To truly be after God's heart - a heart without deceit and pride - a heart full of constant love and grace - is just plain hard. 

Application - As I was walking into our Ash Wednesday service tonight - someone said to me, "Tomara, what do you need to repent of?" I told him that I needed to repent of many things. Here's the deal - I know church people usually see me at my best but I am human just like everyone sitting in church on Sunday mornings. I am a pastor and a preacher but I am also a sinner! I know that following God's heart is difficult - it's a lonely journey - it's a journey filled with sorrow - it's a journey that sometimes brings out rebellion and pride and jealousy. 

Kneel - Savior - I repent of my sin for I know it is ever before me. Create in me a clean heart. Renew a right spirit within me! Holy Spirit - you are welcome here! Flood my heart with your forgiveness. May I be overcome by your presence Lord! 

Good Friday