Monday, February 4, 2019

Respect and Awe

Tonight I'm hanging at Panera while Max & friends enjoy their KPA session in the rain.  I currently have a hot cup of coffee as I begin week two of the Open Your Bible study.  I couldn't make it past day one without pausing to reflect on the idea of "reverence."  Google tells me that reverence is a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe.  On page 39 of the study, the authors tell the reader to do the following:  Make a short list of some things that make you feel deep respect or awe.  

So, here's my short list in no particular order:
Watching my kids sleep (kinda weird I know)
Mountains of Costa Rica
Being invited into SeƱora Paula's home for Orange Fanta
Monastery of Monserrat
Grand Canyon, Sedona, Lake Powell, slot canyons, Horseshoe Bend
Carmel, Santa Cruz, Big Sur
Loma De Luz, Honduras
The mountains and the sea
Generosity and sacrifice
My mother's strength
Lyrics such as What A Beautiful Name
Snow covered mountains of Austria

Outside of God himself, I believe there is nothing more powerful than God's word. I recently had someone ask me, "What fills you up?"  My response was "reading God's word." Hebrews 4:12 tells us that God's Word is living and active. I stand in awe as I see his Word come alive every day of my life.

What amazes me most about the Bible? Why do I stand in reverence of God's word?  It's because His word is consistent and never changing.  In a world where things are changing constantly,  I see that God's justice and his faithfulness never change.  His grace is sufficient - always!

Take a moment and make your own short list of some things that make you feel deep respect or awe.  Then reflect on whether you feel that same respect and awe when you read the Bible.

Today, remember God's grace is sufficient for you - always! 2 Corinthians 12:9

Peace, Tomara

Good Friday