Friday, October 2, 2020


Recalibrate... That's what my MAPS APP has to do when I miss a turn. The little blue arrow tries to get me back on course. Recalibrate...It's a word I've heard the Holy Spirit whisper over my soul lately. So, it's been nearly 7 months since we started wearing masks and social distancing due to Covid19.  I really can't believe we have been walking this journey for this long. As a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend and as a pastor - I've had to recalibrate several times over the past several months. We have had to learn to adapt while recalibrating schedules, school and finances. During this season, I have seen Covid19 cause much heartbreak as people I know and respect highly have died from the virus. Early on, the virus made its way from China to our street - our neighborhood here in Louisville, Kentucky. One of our neighbors was on a ventilator for several days due to Covid19 and we weren't sure that he would make it.  But, he did. We are thankful. In addition to the heartache and stress COVID19 has caused, the racial unrest in our city has literally broken so many hearts. The Breanna Taylor shooting, along with the death of George Floyd, has led to over 100 days of peaceful protesting in our city. In a few cases, the protests have turned violent and people have died and businesses destroyed. Downtown Louisville is boarded up and a few businesses in East Louisville, including Dicks Sporting Goods and Meijers in Springhurst, are boarded up as well. Political unrest is high as well.  Just this morning we heard that President Donald Trump and the First Lady have been diagnosed with COVID19 and the President is now in Walter Reed Hospital according to many sources. 

Through all of the heartbreak and chaos, I have been trying my best to live out Matthew 6:33 - Seek first the Kingdom of God! I have been reminded to not worry but seek first the Kingdom of God.  I have been reminded to not store up treasure here on earth but seek first the Kingdom of God. I have been reminded to not pray like the hypocrites but to seek first the Kingdom of God. I have been reminded to not announce my good deeds like the hypocrites but instead seek first the Kingdom of God.  Yeah, Matthew 6 is a pretty good chapter of the Bible. But it's not just about seeking the Kingdom of God but God's righteousness.  As Christians, in all situations, we must seek the RIGHT thing.  And, the right thing is not always popular.

Today, I'm very thankful for how the Holy Spirit helps me recalibrate!

Good Friday