Saturday, December 9, 2023


Peace: As I return to this advent theme every year, I find myself once again preaching to myself of the need to have my expectations re-oriented, my desires re-focused.

If you want to experience the peace of God, you must know the God of peace. And if you want to know the God of peace, you must embrace his only begotten Son.

Real peace isn’t found in material things, in sports, in a successful job or a secure neighborhood. It’s not found in food or exercise or travel or holiday cheer. It’s not even found in a loving family or a vibrant ministry. In the final analysis, peace is only found in the Prince of it.

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” Luke 2:14 (KJV) 

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NLT)

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Advent Reflections

2023 Advent Reflections

The word "advent" means arrival. This advent season, I invite you to reflect on the biblical meanings of hope, peace, joy and love to discover how these virtues have arrived in the world through Jesus. 

This week, let's explore the biblical meaning of hope. 

The Old Testament and Hope
The OT asserts that hope is rooted in God. His steadfast love, or covenant-love, never ceases, his mercies never come to an end, and his faithfulness is great.  See Lamentations 3:22-23

Lamentations 3:24 declares "The Lord is my portion....therefore I will hope in him."  Even in the midst of the misery and discouragement -which dominate Lamentation- there is room for hope. Hope comes when the author turns his attention from the destruction of the city and land to his God, reminding himself of his character. The words which introduce this great affirmation are instructive:  But this I call the mind, and therefore I have hope (verse 21). 

The source of hope is the character of God! His reliability and consistent character are alluded to under the metaphor of a rock. According to Psalm 62:5-6 the writer's hope is from God who alone is his rock, his salvation and his fortress. 

Knowing the character of God and his faithfulness to the covenant, and having experienced his saving power in an outstanding way at the exodus, the Israelites had solid grounds for basing their hope in him. 

The New Testament and Hope
In the NT the term "hope" is found mostly in the Pauline writings. With less frequency it occurs in Acts, Hebrews and 1 Peter. The NT basically repeats the truths found in the OT. Christ himself is the ground of hope. Hope does not spring from a person's mind; it is not snatched out of mid-air. It results from the promises  of God. It is grounded in God. 

Hope is also rooted in the resurrection. The resurrection of Christ is therefore a solid basis for hope.  To fall asleep in him is not to perish; death is not the end. That we shall one day be raised from the dead is certain, for our Lord has preceded us.  

As we come back to reflecting on Advent - we anticipate the arrival of Christ Jesus and we anticipate the second coming of Christ. 


1. How would you describe the Hope that you have in Christ? 

See Romans 12:12, Romans 15:4, 1 Timothy 4:10, Isaiah 40:31

2.  Who has demonstrated Christian Hope for you?  How? 

Heavenly Father, fill me with all joy and peace so that by the power of the Holy Spirit I may abound in hope! Help me to trust in your plan, even when I cannot see the way. In Jesus' name, Amen!


Sunday, January 15, 2023


Wow, God! Thank you! October 2022 marked 20 years since my ordination into gospel ministry. Tomorrow, January 16, 2023 marks 5 years of ministry at Northeast Christian Church. As I've reflected on the past 5 years of ministry at Northeast, I've also recalled some of the things I've learned in 20 years and the things for which I'm most grateful. 

1. Ministry is about God. It's about who He is - all sufficient. It's about what He is doing - redeeming and restoring. 

2. Family comes before ministry in the church. I am thankful for the people who spoke this truth into my life early in ministry. More importantly, I'm forever grateful to my mom, my husband and my two sons for supporting me in my call to Gospel ministry. 

3. The Gospel is powerful enough to change lives. It's Good News! Programs and personalities don't change people's heart - the Gospel does. I've seen the Gospel free people from the bondage of sin and give hope to the hopeless.  

4. Give ministry away. Invite people to serve and lead. People often ask me, "What keeps you loving ministry?" It's the people who love, serve and give sacrificially. 

5.  I'm tremendously grateful for the grace people have shown me. I'm thankful for the notes of encouragement I've received through the years. These notes are a great reminder to encourage others.

6.  I do not live by bread alone. God's word is living and active. John 15, one of many Biblical passages, centers my heart and my mind - and I mean the whole chapter. 

7. The hymn "Just As I Am" can still reduce me to tears, along with many other hymns and worship songs.

8. There is no healthy ministry without mentoring. I am forever grateful for the leaders who took a chance on me at a young age and as a young female pastor. These mentors taught me what I know. Thank you Mack Craddock, Chris Caldwell, Les Hollon and David Emery. You believed in me and modeled the love of Christ. The best leaders give away influence and spotlight. I pray God uses me to mentor others. 

9.  The blessing of friendship is a true gift of God. I have learned through the years how I desperately need friends who love me for me and can speak truth into my life. Being myself is essential to healthy ministry. It's crucial that I don't compare and try to be someone else. 

10. Don't avoid conflict and criticism. Thank God for it. Learn to manage conflict. When dealt with in a healthy way, God is glorified.

11. Develop rhythms of rest, relaxation and exercise. Eat healthy and take days off. 

12. Cross-cultural friendships and experiences are life changing. True ministry is relational not transactional. 

13. Embrace the wonder and mystery of prayer in your everyday life. Ask, Seek, Knock!

14. Read, learn and innovate. Don't be afraid of failure. Ask hard questions. Always be thinking about what changes and improvements you can make. Create space and pathways to learn from others. 

15. Learn contentment. Live with intention. Find balance. 

16. Everyone has value and is made in the image of God. Invite people to the table. Love your neighbor.

17. Show hospitality. If you are able, invite people into your home for dinner - even if you aren't a great cook. I'm thankful my small group likes food from Costco! 

18. Listen to people. Sit with them in their grief and their pain. You don't have to offer solutions or even quote scripture. Just be there.

19. Confess your sin and you will be healed. Put guardrails on your life. Set boundaries.

20. The Lord is a strong tower. Run to it and you will be safe.  

and many more but these are just a few....

Good Friday