Friday, March 14, 2014

The Invisible God Made Visible

Questions of the Soul:  "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him....?" Psalm 8:3-4a

Last November I had the privilege to go with a team from our church on a mission trip to Honduras where we worked alongside missionaries who served with Loma de Luz - a mission hospital on the northern coast of Honduras.  It's simply God's country.  The oceans and the mountains are breathtaking.   One night a few of us walked up a steep hill behind the staff housing (where we were staying) to look at the stars.  It was a gorgeous night.  We found the perfect spot and some of us sat down and some of us laid flat on our backs.  We put our phones away. Some of us had to let go of the fear that a snake or tarantula would crawl out of the grass and eat us alive.

Not a word was said for several minutes.  We felt the mystery of God as we looked up in awe into the star-spangled heavens.  The beauty of the night sky was a silent witness to the wisdom of God.  I was simply astonished at the greatness of a God who could create such amazing galaxies.  I'm sure David felt the same way as he was writing this Psalm.  I'm sure he had experienced the greatness of God under the stars at night as he was watching his sheep. 

As I continue to contemplate the greatness of my all-powerful Creator, I face the question - "What is man in the sight of a God who could make a universe like this?"  This question definitely cries for an answer today.  What are humans anyway?  Where did they come from? Why do they exist?  How could God be concerned for people who constantly disappoint Him? 

The psalmist goes on to help me understand these questions.  Here's how I see it. We as humans have a unique relationship with God.  He made us a little lower than the heavenly beings.  You see, God made you and me to be the expression of God's life.  We have the blessing of being the instrument by which God would do His work in the world. We are the means by which the invisible God would be made visible to his creation.  This is a great responsibility.

Prayer:  "I recognize your majesty, O God.  The next time I question my worth as a person, help me remember that you think I'm remarkable.  God, help me see my role on this earth.  Open my eyes so that I can see your majesty everyday."

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