Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Can Skeletons Dance?

A response to Questions of the Soul - How Can These Bones Live?

Can Skeletons Dance?

Gosh!  I loved church camp as a kid!  I still find myself singing those church camp songs like "De toe bone connected to the foot bone. De foot bone connected to the ankle bone.  De ankle bone connected to the shin bone...." As we sang about "Dem Bones" we would be shaking and wiggling our whole bodies. That is about as wild as it got at the Baptist church camp - especially since dancing was forbidden.

Do you know about the story behind "Dem Bones?"  Maybe you don't.  It was a low point in Israel's history.  Their nation had become like a desert floor covered with dead skeletons.  And the skeletons were certainly not dancing.  The Babylonians had wiped out the total Israelite army and their bodies were not buried but just laid there to rot in the sun. The temple and the capital city were destroyed. The people were in total poverty.  Everyone was hungry or on the edge of starvation. I hate to even share this but Lamentations informs us that the people were so hungry that mothers boiled their own children for food.  And the Israelites who were alive were taken prisoners and dragged back to Babylonia with chains around their necks. The Jews began lamenting to themselves, "God can't help us! God won't help us!  There is no God! We are here to rot and die in the desert. We have become like dry bones." 

Then there was Ezekiel.  Today's scripture tells us that that Lord took Ezekiel out into the valley and the Lord looked around and asked Ezekiel "Can these bones live?"  And Ezekiel wisely replied, "you alone know."  Then the Lord told Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones, to start preaching to the bones. God even gave Ezekiel the sermon he was to preach. 

So, here's Ezekiel, standing in the middle of this great valley filled with dead, dry, scattered bones.  Maybe he's thinking, '"I've preached to some pretty dead congregations before, but this takes the cake."  What does he say? "Good morning, uh bones, it's good to see so many of you gathered here today."  No, he tells the dead, dry scattered bones the message God gave him:  "Don't give up hope, dry bones! God is going to cause you to LIVE again. God will breathe life into you. You will enjoy life again.  You will know that God is God."

And the rest of the story - "the foot bones were connected to the ankle bones..." As Ezekiel preached, the bones were resurrected into a mighty army. 

A most important question for you to answer today is "Can God make the skeleton of your life dance?" Is your marriage ready to dance again?  Is your family ready to dance again?  The very essence of God is to take that which is dead and make it alive again.  Maybe things are good in your life and you need to open your eyes to the dead around you and ask "How can I help these skeletons dance?"  Maybe you can help someone dance again by providing food, by providing affordable housing, by providing mentorship.  The opportunities to let God breathe life through you are endless, really.

The God whose word and breath revived Israel's dry bones, the God whose living Word called forth Lazarus from the grave, the God who raised Jesus from the grave, is the same God whose living Spirit empowers and sustains us and gives us hope even now.  And He is the same God who will one day call all of us by name and give us life beyond life, life that will never, ever know death again. 

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